2023 announcement from the National Library of Australia: Trove Partners

2023 announcement from the National Library of Australia: Trove Partners

We are pleased to share with the VC Community the National Library of Australia's recent 'Making History with Trove' announcement on 30 November 2023 about the Trove Partners program. 

Trove is inviting community-led, volunteer-run, and rural and regional collecting organsiations across Australia to make their significant digital collections and data available and discoverable in Trove.

The National Library of Australia has also announced that these organisations will not be required to pay to showcase their collections via Trove.

Sharing your records with Trove is a great way to increase the discoverability of your collection and enhance its potential as an educational resource. Trove is maintained by the National Library of Australia and brings together content from libraries, museums, archives, repositories and other research and collecting organisations, large and small. Any Victorian Collections organisation may choose to become a Trove Partner, making their publicly available collection records searchable on the Trove website.

If you and your organisation are interested in applying to become a Trove Partner, you can learn more in our recent special e-bulletin, via the National Library of Australia's Trove Partners page, or in our Knowledge Base article on Contributing to Trove.