CMS updates: additional interface settings for a more responsive layout – July 2024

CMS updates: additional interface settings for a more responsive layout – July 2024

As the Victorian Collections community uses the VC CMS across many different devices, it’s important for the web design behind the CMS to be responsive. Responsive web design is an approach centered on ensuring web pages render well on all screen sizes and resolutions while ensuring good usability.

Our latest update introduces settings designed to improve the CMS’ responsivity when you are working on a tablet, mobile device or at a reduced screen width. This is done by allowing you to streamline the information about your records that displays onscreen when you are viewing your catalogue, and when you are viewing an individual item record. The update also includes minor changes to the appearance of the login and Dashboard pages.

Login page and Dashboard updates

On the login page, the link to access the Victorian Collections Helpdesk is now located at the centre of the screen, below the login fields. Clicking the link will open the Helpdesk in a new browser tab.

Once logged in, you can access your interface settings via the cog icon at the top right of the screen. These settings are unique to your personal log in and view preferences.

Image thumbnail and system identifier settings

Click the toggle buttons to show or hide media image thumbnails and system identifiers when viewing an Item record.

The system identifier is not related to your organisation’s Identifier or registration number for your item. It is a unique thirteen-character code which the VC CMS automatically generates when you create a new Item record, and is viewed in the item’s Admin section. The system identifier helps the VC Team identify a single item when needed, amongst the many items catalogued by all organisations using the VC CMS.

Record visibility flags settings

Record visibility flags are small icons which indicate an Item record’s publication status. The eye icon indicates that the record is set to public. The eye with a strike-through icon indicates that the record is set to private.

The settings allow you to show record visibility flags only for records which are private, only for records which are public, or at all times.

When set to display, the record visibility flags are visible in several locations within the CMS:

  • When viewing your catalogue at a reduced width, the record visibility flags will display within the table view at the right-hand side of the screen
  • When viewing an individual Item record, the record visibility flags will display to the left of the Update button